- Summer Camp
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- Outdoor Activities and Games June 23ed - July 3rd
Outdoor Activities and Games June 23ed - July 3rd
per item
- Two weeks Summer Camp
- School CLOSED July 4th for Independence Day
- The principal daily session is from 8:30am to 3:00pm
*Refund Policy:
- 14+ days before the start of the session: Full refund ($50 registration fee is nonrefundable)
开学前二周通知学校,学费全退 ($50报名费不退还)
- 50% refund 2 days before the start of the session. ($50 registration fee is nonrefundable)
开学前二日通知学校,学费退百分之五十 ($50报名费不退还)
- No refund two days or less before the session starts. 开学后恕不退学费
*Absences and Late Charges:
- No refund or credit for missed classes unless classes are canceled by the school.学生缺课不退费, 除非学校删掉课程
- Please drop off and pick up your child on time. 家长须准时接送孩子
- The school reserves the right to dismiss or suspend a child for unsatisfactory behavior or for physical needs which the staff does not have the expertise to attend to. 如孩子有身体不适或不良行为, 学校有权让孩子退学